What to expect on your Study Day!

One of the three tasks for participants is to complete the institute assessment study day which will either be carried out at Kings College London: Denmark Hill, or Imperial College London, Invicro.

During the institute assessment, you will undertake various computer-based tasks, the MRI scan, and have blood & urine samples collected. Overall the study day should last around 4-5 hours and here is a typical schedule of a day in the life of an ESTRA participant on their study day:

The Study Day General Schedule

Upon Arrival - First 15 minutes

Once you have arrived at the agreed scanning site, we ask that you text the researcher to let them know you have arrived at the building. The researcher will introduce themselves and remind you of your rights:

  • Right to withdraw at any time in the study - without having to provide any explanation as to why.

  • Right to refuse to answer any questions or engage in any activities, everything is completely voluntary, and can take a break between tasks again without having to offer any explanation.

  • Confidentiality of all information is anonymised twice throughout data processing, meaning the researchers looking at your data will not know whose data they are looking at!

Once informed, a hard-copy consent will be requested and signed before any tasks take place.

The researcher will then inform the participant of the study day schedule which will also be emailed to them 24 hours in advance.

Hour One

After consent and the general agenda of the day have been covered, it is likely that the next activities will cover some computer-based tasks to measure different skills as well as some tasks to assess how you think and feel. We’ll then run through the tasks that you’ll be completing in the scanner, later on, allowing you to practice them on our computers and ask any questions you may have.

Hour Two

From here, we will go into the clinical prep room to collect your height and weight (we won’t show this to you) for later configuration of the MRI.

You then have the opportunity for a break and to remove any MRI safety accessories before heading into the scanner. We will ask you to sign our MRI screening form as well as have a chat with the radiographer who will ask you a few MRI safety questions similar to those asked in our screening questionnaire. Although repetitive, this is just to ensure you are safe when entering the MRI scanner.

We provide a locker to place your belongings or you can leave these in the study room which also has restricted access. Scrubs will be required at the Invicro Scanning Site but are not compulsory for the Kings College Site although can be requested if you wish. There should also be time for a quick break before the scanning session, feel free to ask the researcher or MRI safety team any queries you may have.

Hour Three

Now you’re ready for your scan! The radiographer will take you into the scanning room which will look similar to the photo on the right! The researchers will be in the room opposite, so if you have any worries or want to leave the scanner, press the button (which you will be informed of) or speak through the mic and we can get you out of the scanner in less than a minute! During the scan, you will complete some initial images of you lying skill, and then complete some activities which you would have practiced prior to the scanning session. The brain scan involves taking thousands of different images of your brain and so our skilled team will have to edit these together into a readable image which will be emailed to you after the completion of the study day.

Hour Four

After your scan, you can change back into your regular clothes (if wearing scrubs) in a changing room provided and can retrieve any items from the locker. We will then return to the study room, where you will have to complete a very short activity lasting around a minute. Then you will have time to have a short break before continuing with the day. It is preferable that the blood happens after the scan, and the time-point will be prebooked with the phlebotomist with around an hour window. The collection will only last a few minutes. Urine samples are often collected around this time point also, but they are not as time-sensitive as the blood collection and so can be collected at any point during the day. There are many toilet facilities available on site and the urine sample collection pot will be provided.

Hour Five

This is an opportunity to finish any tasks or fill out paper questionnaires that were not administered earlier on in the day.

Completion of the Study Day

Upon completion of the study day, the researcher will debrief you and provide you with time to ask any questions that you may have about the study. We appreciate any feedback given regarding our institute assessment or any of the research processes.

The researcher will also inform you if you have any of the other tasks left to complete (online interview or online questionnaires) which is required to be completed for payment to be received. They will then thank you for the participation of the study day and take you to reception upon departure.


Centre for Neuroimaging Sciences (CNS), De Crespigny Park, Memory Lane, Denmark Hill, London SE5 8AF


Invicro Scan Site, Du Cane Road, London, England, W12 0NN

Study Day Feedback


Why should eating disorders receive more attention?


MRI Scan Q&A